After many years as a marketing leader and consultant in the telecom, technology, satellite and association sectors, Sue joined Ceres Talent to marry her passion for helping organizations build effective marketing strategies with her love of connecting great people. Sue started her career as an auditor for Deloitte & Touche and then made the leap to marketing when she joined MCI, followed by a succession of senior marketing positions at various telecom companies. She serves on the Board of Aspire! Afterschool Learning and the Marketing and Communications Committee for Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS). She earned a dual major in Accounting and French from James Madison University and is a recovering CPA.
Advice I Wish I’d Received Earlier in My Career
Don’t bring up a problem without a proposed solution. I learned that a while ago from a colleague, and it’s been invaluable advice. It’s the difference between coming off as a complainer versus being viewed as someone who is offering an alternative approach. It’s an important trait for any professional (and it works well on kids too!).
My Dream Job If I Weren’t at Ceres Talent
Running a winery on the Central Coast of California. Vineyards bring together three of my favorite things: wine, people and beautiful landscapes. No one is unhappy at a winery!
My Very First Job
I was picking up shoes left on the floor by customers at Shoe Town (think PayLess) while listening to incessant Stevie Wonder songs on Muzak. I still can’t listen to “I Just Called to Say I Love You” without breaking into hives. While I can’t say there was much I enjoyed about that job, it did teach me to appreciate people who work in retail—and I’m still insistent about hanging clothes back up after trying them on. As for Stevie, while I know he’s incredibly talented, he and I will never have a love story to sing about.