Recently, we were pleased to host the webinar, “Trends In B2G Marketing“, with REQ, a full-service marketing and PR firm. Four senior public-sector marketing leaders led a lively discussion on trends in government marketing.

If you were not able to join us, or if you want to tune in again, you can watch the recording here.

A few key takeaways from the conversation:

  • Access to the customer is the lifeblood of public-sector marketing, but the pandemic re-wrote the rules of engagement. In response to losing events as a key channel, B2G marketers turned to innovative digital strategies that are now a key part of their go-forward marketing plans. And for some smaller gov cons, digital is allowing them to compete with the big guys who can afford to send a posse of sales people to tradeshows.
  • Marketing leaders are creating separate segment marketing teams dedicated to targeting each government sector, federal, state and local, shifting away from just having a single public-sector marketing group.
  • Taking a page from B2B, B2G marketers are using intent data (from ABM platforms such as 6sense and Demandbase) to develop more surgical digital and content strategies, ensuring your tactics and messaging are aligned with what your customers are signaling they’re interested in.
  • M&A is increasingly a factor for gov cons, which means major brand decisions need to be made and internal discussions about brand equity should happen early in the process. Inputs may include is the merger directional or a tuck in, should you have a house of brands or a branded house, is your brand tied to your government clients’ outcomes (not just features and benefits), and, for services businesses, is how you treat your people aligned with your brand values?
  • While incorporating AI tools into your marketing tactics is inevitable at this point, tread carefully. It’s best to work within closed environments to avoid putting proprietary company information into the public AI arena. You should consider developing governance policies to control the use of AI tools within your marketing teams – and sales teams.

Insider Tip: ask your colleagues how they’re using AI tools. You may discover some innovative ideas that your team should adopt – and possibly some things that you may need to shut down.

View The Recording

Thanks to REQ for working with us on this webinar.